Friday, November 6, 2020

Fang Nigil Mask


A Fang Ngil Mask, Gabon

This 60cm ceremonial Ngil mask is an example of those worn by the Fang people of Gabon. These wooden artworks were sought after by collectors in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. These pieces were so unique that there are only about a dozen left in existence. The piece above is being auctioned for just under 2.5 million Euros which blew my mind. It also brings up the question as to how a private collector can own something that is so rare?(1)

The popularity of these masks in the early twentieth century meant that famous artists, such as Picasso and Derain, were able to view and draw inspiration from them while they visited Paris. The avant-garde movement also found inspiration in these masks and similarities can be found in depictions by Italian artist Modigliani. (1)

The ceremonial dance accompanying these mask wearers was meant to inspire fear in those with bad intentions by mimicking evil entities. (1) Imagine sitting on your porch late at night and these dancers come through illuminating themselves in flickering torchlight. The white mask would have stood out in stark contrast to the darkness while the dancers shook it around while probably making terrifying sounds. 

The Ngil played a judicial role of peacekeeper and witch-hunter within the Fang tribes. These masks were thought to have been used by a secret male society within the culture. There is little information on exactly what they were up to, but they were supposedly used in a supernatural dance to persecute evil-doers as well as during initiation ceremonies.. The features in the masks were meant to look abnormal and exaggerated in order to strike fear into the heart of the evil force. The same can be said for the color white that is used on  the masks.(2) The dance must have been the more frightening part of the ritual because the mask seems to have a peaceful countenance. I wonder if it's supposed to represent a dead ancestor or something of the like? 

The linear quality of the nose and heart shaped outline of the face creates a stunning sense of balance through symmetry. There even seems to be a sort of stylistic hair piece above the forehead. It's quite remarkable how the elongation of the jaw works rhythmically with the nose and small features of the mouth and eyes. The eyes are interesting in that they are just little dash marks which make it seem to be asleep. This is where I get my theory of dead ancestors because white represents the dead and the facial expression is so serene and peaceful it appears to be dead. It's just a guess, but I honestly don't find the mask to be scary on its own. Maybe if it was animated by a dancer and torchlight it would be more fearsome. 


    1. Claessens, Bruno, "5 minutes with...A Fang Ngil mask from Gabon," Christies, accessed November 6, 2020,

    2."Fang Ngil Mask," Art Tribal, accessed November 6, 2020,


  1. Ashley great post, wow, 2.5 million, that insane. I think it's also interesting how people are able to own these pieces of art, i guess everything has a price. I also think it's interesting that they used it for dances and displaying evil and striking fear into the people so they wouldn't do evil.

  2. I thought this was very cool, I did not expect that these masks would sell for that much; 2.5 million that's insane. That's just for one I can't imagine how much money someone would have if they collected them all. Other than that impressive price tag, I thought that it was interesting and cool that this was used to ward off evil makes me want to get one.

  3. This is a really interesting piece of art. Did you find any information as to why it is called a fang mask? It could have something to do with its shape but I was wondering if you found anything concrete in your research. I was also curious if it mentioned if the wood was colored with paint or if it is that color naturally. If so I could see why they chose it for ceremonial masks.

  4. I do agree that there is an inspiring sense of balance and symmetry throughout the mask for its age. At first glance, it reminded me of a character from a Tim Burton movie. In my opinion, this mask has a form that give its wearer both an intimidating yet tranquil demeanor. Its rarity is rather surprising to me though, I feel its simplicity would make it easy to intimate.


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